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PIDI PBR Skin + Eye Shader (Legacy Edition)

### This package contains a set of realistic and highly detailed skin and eye shaders for 2017.1 and above, compatible with forward and deferred rendering paths as well as with the new Lightweight SRP. Mobile versions of the skin shader are also provided. ### ### This skin shader includes advanced features oriented towards high-end art assets and games, such as tessellation, full subsurface scattering and translucency, dynamic bone/blendshape driven wrinkles and much more. ### ### In this manual we will cover all the basics so you can get started and using these advanced Skin and Eye Shaders in no time. ### ### We thank you very much for purchasing our product and hope that PIDI – PBR Skin + Eye Shaders will help you make amazing games. ###

Quick Start Guide


### While PIDI : PBR Skin + Eye Shader has been designed to be integrated to any project at any stage of development with little to no setup required, there are still some considerations to be made ###

Standard Pipeline Projects

### For projects working with the Standard Pipeline there is little to no setup required. If this is a first time installation you just need to head to the Asset Store and find this asset either under the section “My Assets” or by a normal search in the store itself. ###

### If you have bought the asset, a Download / Import / Update button will show, depending on if you have never downloaded the asset before, you have downloaded it and it is in cache already or there is a new version available for download, respectively. ###

### Once the import dialog appears, just import all the contents of the asset as usual. To verify that the asset was imported without any errors try to open one of the demo scenes. If they work without issues, the package has been imported correctly. If you see any graphical errors you must re-import the asset. If the issues persist even with a brand new and empty project, please contact us at our support email ###

LWRP Projects

### In the last step described above, once you see the import dialog while adding this asset to your project, DO NOT import the Standard Pipeline folder to your project. Importing this folder would cause errors due to the shaders and materials included in it being incompatible with LWRP. ###

### Instead, once the tool has been fully imported, unpack LWRP 5.7.unitypackage (which is located inside the LWRP Contents folder) into the project or the LWRP 6.9.unitypackage file if you are working on Unity 2019.2 and import its contents. This will add all the necessary shaders, demo scenes and additional files for you to start using PIDI PBR Skin + Eye Shader in Unity 2019.1+ with LWRP 5.7+ ###

### While we do our best to keep up to date with LWRP releases there may be times when Unity updates their pipelines and adds or removes functionality from them (and in most cases breaking the compatibility of LWRP shaders) before we can issue the corresponding update. If your version of LWRP does not load the shaders appropriately or the demo scenes inside the LWRP Add on folder show pink materials please be patient, as we will issue the corresponding patch usually within 1-2 days of a new LWRP release or contact us to let us know the details of the error to our support email. ###

### Warning : Please remember to make a backup of your project before upgrading or installing any tool or asset. While we do our best to ensure that our software is free of errors and easy to use, we are not responsible for any loss of data, corrupted files or projects produced during the installation or use of this software. ###

### Once the asset has been successfully installed into your project, adding reflections to an existing scene is a simple process that can be done in just a few minutes. For more advanced uses and in-depth information about each feature please continue reading this documentation. ###

pidi_pbr_skin_legacy.1567702406.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/05 16:53 by irrsoft